How To Start A Blog In 2022 – Best For Beginners

Want to know how to start a blog in 2022?

It is a good decision. I will tell you all those thing which will help you to start a good blog.

If you want to become famous then you can achieve this by starting a blog.

Starting a blog is not complicated at all, but all you need some guidance, which helps you to start a blog in 2022.

To make a good blogger it takes time. Harsh Agrawal, Neil Patel, Deepak Kaharaju have been doing blogging since 2010. And they have a lot of experience. So you can be ahead of others if you start your blog today.

Let’s dive in,

Choose a Niche for Your Blog(Riches lives in Niches)

This is the most important part, and many new bloggers are stuck at this point.

The right niche depends on:

  • Knowledge
  • Interest
  • Profitable

Let me clear you that niche is like category.

For instance, you choose health as your niche. So if you don’t have knowledge about the niche and you have interest on that niche.

In the end, the health is not the right niche for your blog.

Also keep in mind that 80% of bloggers quit blogging in starting six months because they choose the niche which they don’t passionate about.

So, How you can find the perfect niche that you won’t regret later

Currently, there are many profitable niches in which you can start your blog but don’t go for it.

if you can’t figure out, then you can do this to find an ideal niche.

  • Take Pen and Paper
  • Write down your interest (Add Four or more) on the list
  • Find the niche which you liked the most from the list
  • Also, find an affiliate of that niche
  • You are good to go

These are some steps to find a profitable niche for your new blog.

Choose a Domain for Your New Blog

A domain is the name of your blog from which others come to your blog.

A good domain is very important for a blog. If you have a good domain then you can get many benefits.

When I started blogging, I have wasted many domains. The only reason was I don’t know how to choose a brandable domain.

Here are some tips which help you to find your brandable domain –

  • Keep it short(For eg :,,
  • Keep it unique(For eg: if you want to start a blog on Trimmer then domain can be
  • Use Keywords(It will help you in SEO)
  • Don’t use a person name
  • Always Use .COM Extension
  • Don’t use numbers

Many blogger have become successful by changing their domain name. For eg:- Jon Morrow

If you are still not able to figure out the domain for your blog, then you can find domain using one tool: LeanDomainSearch. This tool will help to choose a perfect .com domain.

Note: For buying a domain, you can go to WebSpaceKit

Choosing a domain is not enough you also have to choose a hosting.

lets go into it and see what hosting can do for your new blog.

Choose a hosting for your blog

A hosting is the storage of your blog. All blog data saved in the hosting. Hosting is important for a blog. There are many free hosting available but you don’t have control on it. So buying a hosting is very important and the main thing is that you have control on it. Many bloggers have lost a lot of money because of bad hosting.

When I started blogging, I was always looking for cheap hosting. This is the mistake that every new blogger makes.

I recommend you not to buy cheap hosting. Because it can make your blog slow.

If a blog speed is slow then visitors will stay on that blog less. As amazon also said that when their website becomes fast by milli second then they are getting more sales.

There are many users using WordPress Hosting. As WordPress hosting has many features. You can easily customize your blog with WordPress.

Note: For a good hosting, I will recommend you to buy hosting from WebSpaceKit

WebSpacekit is best for WordPress Hosting. It is an Indian web hosting company. So if you live in India then the hosting can provide more speed to your blog.

In every plan, you can get a free domain. And WebSpaceKit provides the fastest WordPress hosting as compared to Bluehost, GoDaddy etc.

Follow these steps to purchase hosting for your blog:

Choose Your Plan Based On Your Budget and No Of Blog You Are Going To Use

As you are a beginner, I recommend you to go with starter plan

You will also get a free domain in the starter plan.

Wasn’t It is Amazing!

All that one needs to start a blog is fulfilled with the help of a starter plan.

After Choosing Your Plan Click On CHOOSE

After then register a good domain for FREE.

To start your blog you need only ₹ 3500 and I’m again saying, don’t go for cheap hosting. Cheap host are bad.

Create Your Account in WebSpaceKit and then proceed to the payment details

Enter Your Credit/Debit Card Information and then Click On Order Now.

After that, It will take a few minutes to proceed with the details.

Wait for few minutes, then check your email for details related to your WebSpaceKit account.

And you’re done.

Congratulations! You have successfully purchased a hosting and domain for you.

All the details sent by WebSpaceKit to your email is Important. Also save the details in a Safe Location.

Lets move on and see how to customize your blog.

Set up your WordPress blog

WordPress will automatically get installed in your blog. So no need to worry about installing the WordPress into your blog.

Wasn’t it is AMAZING!

This feature makes WebSpaceKit hosting more premium.

This is the first interference when you will go to your blog:

The above URL will help you to login to your WordPress Dashboard. WordPress dashboard is like Control panel of your blog.

Note: For Username and Password, Check your email sent by WebSpacekit.

Some of you may ask which theme I’m using in this blog. So, I’m using generate press theme. Generate Press is very lite theme.

To install a new theme, you have to follow this steps:

  1. Go to the WordPress Dashboard
  2. Then go to Appearance –> Add New
  3. Then Search for Generate Press and click on “install now” button.
  4. After installing, click on ” activate ” button

Congratulation, You now have given a new look to your blog.

Lets move on to the important topic which can turn a site into automation.

Some Essential Plugins

You should not use cracked plugins. As cracked plugins can fill your blog  with virus and malwares. Also do not install more plugins as it can make your website slow. 

These are some of the plugins which I’m using in this blog:

  1. Akasmit: It is the best plugin for security. It can make your website hackers free. 
  2. Yoast: It is like Small seo tool. These plugins provide many features. As a new blogger, it is a must to install this plugin. 
  3. Google site kit: This is the plugin by google. These plugins can help you to track your website. 
  4. Elementor: This plugin is very good for website designing. Elementor pro version has many features and it can give a good look to your website. Also it is must to see elementor tutorials if you are a new blogger
  5. Wp optimize: If you want to make your website load fast then Wp optimize is the best plugin. Wp optimize can compress  websites all images. 
  6. Wp form : If you want to create a contact page then this plugin can help you for this purpose.

Plugin is very important for websites. From plugins, you can automate many things.

Write Your First Amazing Post And Publish It

For creating a post, You have to go: Dashboard –> Post–> New Post

After that you can be able to write a stunning post. But some tips is also required which can help you to write a epic post.

This are some tips which can convert a post to a epic post:

  1. Do Some Keyword Research
  2. Add some images and videos
  3. Images and Videos should be made by you
  4. Add some LSI keywords

I suggest you to go through the On Page SEO guide so you can optimize your content easily.

if you want to make money from your blog then you can read this article:

How to make money blogging in 2022

FAQ Related to How To Start a Blog

Q.1 How much does it cost to Start a Blog?

For starting a blog it cost around 3500 Rupees from the

Q.2 Can I start a blog for free?

Yes you can start a blog for free with Blogger but it has many disadvantages. A purchased hosting is much better than Blogger.

Q.3 How Hackers cannot hack your Blog ?


No. of Hackers are increasing day by day so it is important to secure your blog.

This are some tips which can increase protection on your blog:

  • Install SSL to your blog
  • Install some security plugins(JetPack, Akasmit, All In One WP Security & Firewall )
  • Use a Secure Host(

Winding Up

Congratulation! You have created your first blog in 2022

If you want to become successful blogger then you have to do lot of research before writing a blog post around your niche.

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