How to make money blogging in 2022

make money blogging

The primary question that arises in your mind when you want to start blogging is How to make money blogging? Well, it’s not that easy to make money from blogging. To become a successful blogger, you need to be dedicated, creative and consistent with your blogging habits. Whether you are an experienced blogger or just starting out, in this article I have shared some of the tips to help you improve your blogging skills and monetize your blogs on the internet. I hope these will help you to earn money online through blogging.

Ways to earn money by blogging

You can earn from various sources. Earlier blogger have only google AdSense as their earning source. But please keep in mind that bloggers still focus on content of the post. Content is not good then traffic will also be not there.

These are the 4 sources from which you can make money by blogging:

  • Ads Network
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Sell your eBook’s
  • Launch Online Course

Bonus: I also share about how you can get traffic?, How you can do SEO in a post? and How you can get Google AdSense Approval?

1. Ads Network(Most Famous)

Ad Networks will helps you to show ads on your site. When a User clicks the Ads then you will get a commission from it.

These are some Ad Networks:

  • Google AdSense(offered by the google)
  • Adsterra(Instant Approval)

For Google AdSense and, You need Approval. Also keep in mind that there are different ways to get Approval for any blog. You can also choose Adsterra. You will get instant approval for your blog. Adsterra will provide you instant income and HIGH CPM rates.

2. Affiliate Marketing

First, What is Affiliate marketing?

There are many big companies so these companies want more sales. These companies provide affiliate links. These Affiliate links redirects a person to the product page. When an affiliate provide affiliate links to customers and the customer purchases a product through those links. The affiliate gets some commission from that company. This is called Affiliate Marketing.

Here are some of the popular Affiliate marketing marketplace that you can join:

  1. Amazon Affiliate program
  2. ShareASale
  3. Maxbounty
  4. Warriorplus
  5. ClickBank
  6. MaxWeb

It is not important that you should have a blog for doing Affiliate Marketing. You can share Affiliate Links on Social Media(Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook etc).

All you need to do is, share your unique affiliate link of the product you are recommending, and when someone makes a purchase, you will end up earning a huge commission of the sale amount.

Affiliate marketing is the way, how a lot of bloggers are making millions of dollars every year from their blog.

3. Sell your eBook’s

You can sell a book on internet by making eBook of it. There are many software’s which will help you to make your own eBook. Please note: The content of the eBook should be good and unique.

All you need to do is pick a topic, compile an eBook on that topic, and put it on sale on your blog or on Amazon. Once you are used to this process, you can earn a decent amount of money by selling eBooks online.

Instamojo is also a good platform for selling eBook’s. Now Instamojo prefer only digital products. Earlier Instamojo prefer both digital products and physical products.

For making eBook Cover, You can use a freelancing network like Fiverr. In Fiverr, Someone will help you to design your eBook cover.  

4. Launch Online Course

You can Launch Online Course only if you are able to make videos of 1-2 hours. Videos are great source of attraction Nowadays. if you are giving the unique course, your chances of reaching $ 1 million goals are really high.

You can sell the online course on your blog OR you can sell the online course on different platforms.

The platform where you can sell online course:

  • Teachable
  • New Kajabi
  • Skillshare
  • LearnDash
  • Teachmint


Ways to get traffic in a blog

Traffic is very important. Without Traffic, You can not make money by blogging. There are a number of ways in which you can get free traffic or targeted traffic on your website. The first and foremost is through social media websites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc. However, you need not rely on just these channels because a few followers or likes will not bring much business to your page. So what other options do you have? Here are some more effective techniques that can help you generate more website traffic:

  1. Share interesting contents: Content is king! Yes, it really is. Your content needs to be interesting enough for people to read it from start to finish otherwise they’ll move on to something else and chances are they won’t return anytime soon.
  2. Quora: You can answer some questions on Quora. Believe me, You can get up to 8000 new users from Quora. You can add your website URL to your Quora answers. But please note that the answers which you will give to Quora should be long. Quora will ban your account if you do link spamming in your answers.
  3. Do Keyword Research : It is very important to do keyword research. First thing is “What is a keyword?” Keyword are the words which people are searching on google. You have to do keyword research so that you can add it on a Title. These are some websites which will help you to do keyword research:
  • Ubersuggest
  • Aherf
  • Semrush
  • KWFinder


It is one of my favourite keyword research tool. It provides 14 days free trial of keyword overview.

Keyword Research Tool
I have searched for India Republic Day

This Tool provides you all the things which other tools do not provide. You can see Global volume of a keyword which other tools do not provide you.

You can use this keyword variation. On which you can write a blog post. Questions are very important in a post and you can add it in your blog post.

What is SEO?

make money by blogging

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a term used in online marketing that refers to search engine promotion strategies. It consists of all actions involved in getting a website or web page ranked as high as possible on search engines, so when people search for specific keywords they will see your site or web page. The ultimate goal of SEO is having your site/webpage rank first on search results when someone types in certain keywords related to your business or industry.

How much powerful is SEO?

SEO is a massive part of earning online because without SEO, nobody will find your website or business and nobody will buy your products! SEO is key to creating amazing content that people want to share with their friends, family and colleagues. If you’re serious about making a living from your website, you need to know how much power SEO holds. However, if you want to stand out among other websites, then it’s important that you know what Google really wants?

How to do SEO in a blog post ?

These are 2 things which you have to do:

  • On Page SEO
  • Off Page SEO

1. On Page SEO

There are two types of SEO :The content which you write in a post is only On Page SEO. The content should be attractive and SEO friendly. Through this On Page SEO, bloggers increase their site traffic. If you want to rank your website first in a google search then On Page SEO has the power to do it. It is said that On page SEO is more important than Off Page SEO.

You can do On page SEO in a blog post by following this tips :

  • Internal Links: This are the links of your site which you have to provide in a new blog post. This links will help your site to decrease bounce rate.
  • Search Description: Search description is very important for SEO. As it attract users towards your post. This is what a search description look like:
Search description of a post
I have searched for famous quotes
  • Article should have at least 500 words: For Google AdSense, Article should be long enough. If you write an article of 1000 – 2000 words then it is very good.
  • External Links: This are the links which are of other site and you provide to your post. You can get external links from websites like Wikipedia, etc.
  • Attractive images: Images are very important for a post as it attract users to stay on post for a long time. Image should be as per the content. Post images should not be of google.
  • Images should have Title Text and Alt Text: These are the important things from which google will show the post image to a user. A user see a images with Title text and Alt text like this:
All the red lines are Title Text
  • Attractive videos: Videos nowadays are very popular. Now people prefer to see videos and it make a post very attractive.
  • Videos should have Title text and Alt text: As you have added alt text and Title text in an image. So just the same process you have to do.
  • Keyword Research for competition( VERY IMPORTANT ): I have discussed about it in earlier heading.
  • Optimize for mobile devices: The article should be mobile friendly.

2. Off Page SEO

Backlinks are the links which are present in other website. And when someone clicks it then the link redirect the person to your website. Thus it helps in increasing your site traffic. Backlinks are when done on a blog then it is called Off Page SEO. Off Page SEO also increases site traffic but it is not much important than On Page SEO.

There are two types of Backlinks:

  • Dofollow
  • Nofollow

Both these backlinks will help you in increasing your site traffic. Backlinks are the backbones of Off Page SEO.

How can you begin monetizing with google AdSense?

make money blogging by google AdSense

There are many bloggers who earn more than you do. You may have been wondering how they managed to reach that level of success. The most common reason for their success is AdSense. However, even with AdSense, you will not get anything if you just start blogging and expect your site to become a major source of income. Monetizing with Google AdSense has some specific methods that must be followed before seeing a profit from it. This guide lists down all those steps which needs to be taken in order to monetize with Google AdSense. Let’s begin!

  1. Your blog must have 20 articles
  2. You should have custom Domain(.com, .in, .biz , .org)
  3. You should have SSL on your site.
  4. A good traffic should be there on your blog.
  5. Content of the article should be good, attractive and informative.

FAQ’s related to How to Make Money Blogging

Q.1 How can I make $100 a month blogging?

You can monetize your blog with affiliate programs. Affiliate Marketing is the best way to earn money from blogging. It is like passive income.

Q.2 What kind of blogs make money?

Top Money Making Blogs

  • Food blog
  • Finance Blog
  • Web Series Blog
  • Travel Blog
  • Health and Fitness Blog

Q.3 Is blogging better than YouTube?

Truly speaking, If you are expert in editing videos then you can go with YouTube.

Writing a blog post is much easy than creating a video.

You can do both. But thing is that you have to learn Time management.

Q.4 How much does Google AdSense pay bloggers?

The commission you will receive depends mainly on the competition as well as CPC in a niche. In most cases, the CPC will range between $0.20 and $15. Also, a majority of niches fetch less than $3 a click to publishers. So choosing a good niche is very important. It is said that Riches lives in Niches.

Q.5 What makes a good Blog?

A good blog is where people get regular, relevant content. It can be informative and entertaining, as long as it somehow enriches readers’ lives.

That’s it

There are a lot of ways you can make money from blogging, but I would recommend not overwhelming yourself and instead implementing them one by one.

I hope the doubt of How to make money blogging is cleared. And I wish you all the best for your journey.

What strategy do you use to earn money from your blog? Let me know in the comments below.

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